A Place Of Refuge For The Weary Soul
Discovering the power within you…
John Ch. 14 vs. 12 Discovering the power within you… Skeptics are always in their own little world of why, how, when? They are most of the time hindered by their own small minds. When you are guided by the true image of God’s love, power and wisdom, then will you certainly have a revelation…
Promise, Process and the Prize
Habakkuk Ch. 2 vs. 3-4 Promise, Process and the Prize As I began to seek direction as to what our message for the week would be, I was presented with these three words, Promise, Process, Prize. Now let me move a step forward towards decoding what Divine Intelligence was trying to put across to us.…
The Kingdom of God is within you!
Luke Ch. 17 vs. 21 The Kingdom of God is within you! Endless Church Programs, Revivals, Crusades, listening to sermons typified by pure eloquence and mastery of words have all become a routine to most Christians. They’re searching and looking for peace, joy, prosperity, healing, miracles, signs and wonders. Indeed, they seek a kingdom or…
To all Fathers…
John Ch. 5 vs. 26 To all Fathers… “For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath He given life to the Son to have life in himself.” As I ponder over the above scripture, I begin to have greater revelation as to the position of the father in the family. He’s the life…
Heralding the Good News!
Luke 4 vs. 43 Heralding the Good News! Every print media promotes the latest and most sensational news. Sometimes these news items are pure gossip. They are often unconfounded lies. In fact, they are not good news. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to herald a new perspective on life. He came with the good news…
Respecting the Earth and its fullness
Psalms 24 vs. 1 Oil spillage, deforestation, air, land and sea pollution have all become the issues of now. Nobody cares about the sacredness of the Earth and its fullness. Desecration and absolute abuse of God’s property is the issue. God created the Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System, and the Earth including everything that…
Think About this…
Think About This I have never ceased to wonder about the confidence of the birds of the air. They fly across the expanse of the sky with such authority, claiming dominion, flexing their wings and diving up and down to the amazement of the fascinated watcher. The fish of the sea also swim the length…
Virtuous Women…
Proverbs Ch. 31 To all virtuous women… This week, we honor all virtuous women. We salute all mothers for they are the pillars of the home and the nation. We appreciate the genuineness of all the women celebrated in Proverbs 31. What a pleasure and delight to be called a woman, a mother, for they…
Scattering and Increasing
Scattering and Increasing Calvary greetings from Pastor Tele to all our friends worldwide! We sincerely hope that the Zion Mail has been a blessing to you, your friends and family.