A Place Of Refuge For The Weary Soul
To think, to believe and to know PT. 2
Guest Writer: W. Opakunle I sat down earlier this week to compose an email to a potential client. As I constructed my email, I looked it over frequently and inserted buzz words that I thought would catch the client’s eye. Several emotions ran through me, from how amazing it would be to hear back from…
To think, to believe and to know
Guest Writer: W. Opakunle As pursuers of truth and purpose, we all go through 3 stages in this remarkable journey of ours called “life.” It all begins with the phrase “I think” – I think I’m capable; I think I can do this; I think it will be okay…When we begin to grasp the truth…
Standing in the Gap: Arizona Massacre
“God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain”. (Revelation 21:4) Please join Zion City Ministries to pray for the people of Arizona. Pray concerning the following: Emotional healing in the state of Arizona. Miraculous recovery for those who are in critical condition in…
Prophetic message for the year 2011, our year of new beginnings.
Jeremiah 3:21-23 “A cry is heard on the barren heights, the weeping and pleading of the people of Israel, because they have perverted their ways and have forgotten the Lord their God. Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding. Yes, we will come to you, for you are the Lord our God. Surely…
30 Days of Gratitude
Zion City Ministries invite all people of God to join us in our annual celebration of God’s goodness and mercy. Throughout the month of December, we are all encouraged to maintain an attitude of gratitude. Fasting is not mandatory. Scriptures: Day 1: Psalm 100 Day 2: Psalm 98 Day 3: Psalm 99 Day 4: Psalm…
Message to a Nation in distress
“Thus saith the Lord unto Nigeria…” Peace and Blessing of God to all friends and family of the Zion City Ministries worldwide. It has been a while since I last sent out the Zion Mail. I have been on retreat, but I will have to break the silence to deliver a message to Nigeria, my…
Join us to pray for Global Peace
Isaiah Ch. 26 vs. 12 Zion City of the Lord Ministries, Maryland, USA is calling all intercessors across all nations of the world to fast and pray for global peace on Tuesday, September 28th 2010 from 6am to 6pm. Please include the following in your prayers: Pray for sincere love and tolerance in the world.…
Whatever we bind on Earth…
Matthew Ch. 18 vs. 18 The word of God is so amazing and very potent. I am also always excited to experience new revelations, every time I read a scripture that I have read over and over again. Matthew 18:18 is my latest encounter. It is interesting to know that Man is the initiator of…
“Food” for Thought : Cabbage
Cabbage: Cabbage belongs to the Brassica family of vegetables. It is a native of the Mediterranean region of Europe. This wonderful veggie is high in nutrients but low in calories. Eating Cabbage is said to help in reducing cancer risk. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C and other beneficial phytonutrients. Lastly, Cabbage also…