There’s beauty in surrender

Guest Writer: Wemi Opakunle

Most of the time we think of surrender, the word that comes to mind is defeat. In the past, I’ve always thought of myself as a fighter, I fight for what I believe in, I fought for my past, I fight for my present and most importantly I fight for my future. Fighting has always meant that I cared. Lately however, the fight has become exhausting. I’ve started wondering if the reason why I fight is because it’s all I’ve ever known. I’ve been told over and over again that if I want something, I have to fight for it. What if I’d been taught that going with the flow of life will bring me the happiness and peace that I seek or that I don’t even have to search for that peace – it’s been there all along.

What if I let go and let be? What if instead of forcing things to go a certain way, I accept them as they are and believe that for every problem, a solution will eventually present itself? The funny thing is this shouldn’t be difficult to believe. Most of the best things that have come my way have happened with very little help from me. A lot of times they’ve also stemmed from actions taken with ease and left to be a long time ago.

I’ve understood for a very long time that there are certain laws that govern the Universe. There’s a time to plant and sow and there’s a time to harvest. There are seasons of light and warmth and there are seasons of drought and darkness. For the first time however, I’m letting these laws work for me and with me. I stand in awe at the way things seem to flow with ease in nature. I’ve never known a tree to worry about getting enough water or sunlight. Nature adjusts naturally. So just as the trees and other creatures of nature allow these laws to work for them, I’m surrendering to the flow of things. To resist the flow, whatever the season means a lack of trust. A lack of trust in myself and the force that I’m connected to. The same force that runs things so smoothly without fear or worry.

This isn’t to say that to surrender is to give up and do nothing. To surrender is to take inspired action, led by your intuition. To surrender is to accept and to resist nothing.

All that is, is perfect as is – Turns out there’s beauty in surrender.



