A Place Of Refuge For The Weary Soul
“Food” for Thought: Flaxseed (also known as Linseed):
“Food” for Thought Flaxseed (also known as Linseed): Ancient; comes in 2 varieties of brown and golden. Flaxseed contains high levels of Omega3 Fatty Acid (antioxidants) and Lignans. Lignans support a healthy heart. They also possess anti-cancer properties. Flaxseed may also help in stabilizing blood sugar. Its fiber content helps in digestion and free bowel…
Food for thought: Quinoa
Quinoa: Grain-like; origin is ancient Andean. It’s called “Chsaya Mama”, meaning mother of all grains by the Incas tribe. High in protein, it’s a wonderful choice for vegetarians and vegans. Quinoa is a great source of fiber. It’s high in magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It is also gluten free with a balanced set of amino…
The Path of Righteousness
Psalm 85 vs. 13 The Path of Righteousness The world has become a place where the word “righteousness” seems to have no place. Righteousness has become a vice rather than a godly virtue. People have become immune to conscience, and lying, scamming, racketeering, senseless scheming and vandalism have all become the order of the day.…
Encouraging one another – Thank you Kenya!
Acts Ch. 15 vs. 30-32 Encouraging one another – Thank you Kenya! This week, Pastor Tele and the Ministry of God are giving a shout to all our families in Christ, who continue to encourage the good work of God given to us as an assignment. Our sincere gratitude to our brothers and sisters in…
“Food” for Thought: Olive Oil
“Food” for Thought Olive Oil: Ancient, derived from pitted and ground olives. Juice is processed to separate oil from water. Contains mono-unsaturated fat that is beneficial for good blood cholesterol levels and digestion. Good remedy for skin care, it’s an effective skin moisturizer too. Choose cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for salad dressing and…
World Day of Prayer – September 10th 2009
Isaiah Ch. 43 vs. 26 World Day of Prayer – September 10th 2009 Please join the Unity World Community to reach in and reach out as we pray together for our needs and stand in the gap for others on September 10th 2009. We can change the world as we agree and come together in…
Celebrate the moment!
Celebrate the moment! Isaiah Ch. 42 vs. 9 The journey of mankind is a mixed grill of ups and downs, good and bad, low and high. For every season, autumn, winter, spring and summer, there is a purpose and a reason. Every mistake, misstep or misfortune comes with a lesson and a meaning. Good moments…
“Food” for Thought: Lentils
“Food” for Thought Lentils: Ancient, giant member of the legume family. Good source of fiber and protein; help in lowering cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar; contain beneficiary minerals that help promote a healthy heart. Lentils also prevent digestive disorders such as diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome. Cook like other beans, add carrots, corn or even…
“Food” for Thought: Brown Rice
“Food” for Thought Brown Rice: Whole grain and unpolished, packed with minerals, protein and carbohydrates. Brown Rice is chewy, tasty and high in fiber too. Consider changing from white to brown rice for higher nutritional value.
Fear Not!
Isaiah Ch. 51 vs. 12 -13 Fear Not! Many times, we are bound by the fear of other people. The big boss, the mother-in-law and unfriendly friends who take delight in intimidating us. They all constitute our “Hell” according to the famous French writer, Jean Paul Satre who said “L’enfer c’est les autres” (Hell is…