The greatest fear of man is always about the future. We fear sickness and death because we will be denied the privilege of the future; we are paranoid about poverty because tomorrow will become bland and unimaginative. Man worries about almost everything and tries relentlessly to fix all. Everybody is busy, looking for solutions and answers because they are yet to manifest the fullness of the Godhead. Jesus described this carnal generation as a wicked and adulterous generation seeking for sign. He went further to reiterate on the futility of speculation. “He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?’ The dilemma of this generation is about trust; we have constantly denied the author and finisher of our faith His rightful position as the Captain of the ship. The fear of tomorrow has stolen the joy of today from us depriving us the opportunity of experiencing the kingdom of God. The master said it well in the book of Mathew 6: 21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” He was not talking about material possessions, He was actually referring to distractions that will ensnare us into forgetting to observe the moment. The past is gone, the future is an unknown territory created by our minds; All we have is now!
Jesus, the only shepherd of our souls said “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” It has never been in the plan of God for His children to worry and fret over things that have not happened or will never come to be; His desire is for us to depend on Him, resting perfectly in His everlasting arms. Everything we need is already provided for in the great plan; the faithfulness of our God is so unimaginable. God could have created the universe in one day; but on the contrary, He manifested this wonderful edifice with great precision for six days. Scriptural documentation of the daily dosage of God’s goodness is innumerable. Here are some of them: The beauty of His holiness is released from the womb of the morning. (Psalms 110: 3) He makes the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice. (Psalms 65: 8) God’s heart is compassionately set upon His children; He makes parental visitation every morning. (Job 7: 17, 18) He awakens us morning by morning to quicken our ears to hear as the learned. (Isaiah 50: 4) Our heavenly Father has given us the power and dominion to command the morning and cause the day to know his place. (Job 38:12) The good news of God’s loving kindness is delivered every morning; our footsteps are ordered moment by moment. (Psalm 143: 8) Daily we are loaded with benefits. (Psalms 68: 19)

If we refuse to seize the moment, it suddenly becomes memory before our own eyes. Every day, we experience new things that catapult us to the next level, every step of our journey towards becoming the true image should thus be heralded as the unfolding of the lotus; The rite of passage must be celebrated and savored. We are not to resist the flow of that superlative energy and frequency, rather we must surrender and allow a free movement so that the perfect will of the Father is effected. Resistance hinders the equilibrium of all things; it affects not only human beings but the earth in it’s entity. The perfect will of the heavenly Father is for us to enjoy every moment of the journey; the earth is in fact created to declare the glory of God. At all times, we have to maintain an attitude of gratitude praising God for every moment, and every step we take. We are never alone; He is with us all the way!