Guest Writer: Wemi Opakunle
We’re all pretty aware that in order to live a long and healthy life, we have to take care of ourselves. It’s recommended that we eat whole foods, exercise regularly and take vitamins that help nourish us or correct any deficiencies. Focusing on our physical well-being is wonderful but so many of us forget that we also need to pay attention to our spiritual well-being. I’m not talking about going to your religious / spiritual place of worship every week, this goes deeper than that. I’m talking about feeding, growing and nourishing the relationship with the God that exists within you.
In the morning, you feed your body breakfast but what are you feeding your spirit? What are you feeding your soul? Are you speaking words of life, wisdom, abundance and encouragement or are you letting your soul run on empty? When you’re hungry, you’ll eat anything in sight just to have something in your stomach including junk food. The same goes for the soul. When the soul is starved, it is susceptible to the junk energy floating around. There’s nothing stopping it from allowing negative thoughts to take root. When your soul is hungry, you’re more likely to get angry, depressed, lonely and unfulfilled.
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is express appreciation for my body, mind and spirit. I then move to physical things like my bed, my pillow, all the things that afforded me the opportunity to have a good night’s rest. By the time I make my way to the bathroom, I’m back to being thankful for my body. I appreciate the work that it does, I thank it for being so beautiful and strong. From my hair to my eyes to my feet, I feel an energy of gratitude for the purpose of each body part.
When I make my way into the shower, I start to speak words of encouragement and purpose for the unfolding day. I tell my day how it will go instead of letting the events of the day control me and determine my level of peace and happiness. If you do not feed your soul, the world will feed it for you. If you do not recognize and tell yourself who you are, the world will do it for you.
The fact is that no day is ever perfect but at the end of each day, I know that it was the best that it could possibly be. As I go to bed at night, I let go of all that was and settle into what is. Peace, surrender and contentment with the reality that all is well flow through me. I awake the next morning and I do it all over again.