A New Beginning

Exodus Ch. 14 vs. 13

There’s an old adage that says “You don’t give what you don’t have” but my sincere belief is that you can learn to give what you never had. Maybe your Dad never appreciated you, he was not there at the needed time. In fact you were abandoned as a child and you never knew the joy of having a Father. What a story and what a past, but then how about breaking the yoke of a generational curse? It’s time for you to liberate yourself from that ghost that continually hunts you and prevents you from being a good husband to your wife and a good father to your children. Release yourself from the past by giving what you never got. Break the evil cycle and lift off the curse. Though you were never hugged, hug your children and spouse. Love, live and laugh with them and become a dependable true friend. Happy 365 Father’s days!



